Sebastian Schulze 5282f6299f
[org] Fix display issue in org-current-task display
2021-06-15 20:37:12 +02:00
executable_archive [archive] Deal with new 7z return codes 2020-10-26 10:19:10 +01:00
executable_autostart [meta] Fix start command for nextcloud-client service 2021-04-13 12:53:42 +02:00
executable_blur-lock [nix] Extract path changes from bin/ 2021-03-10 23:29:48 +01:00
executable_blur-lock-and-screen-off [bin] Get rid of no-longer used i3 switches & ifs 2020-02-22 18:56:22 +01:00
executable_blur-lock-and-suspend [nix] Extract path changes from bin/ 2021-03-10 23:29:48 +01:00
executable_chromium-proxy [NUCLEAR OPTION] Move everything over to chezmoi 2020-01-27 15:42:11 +01:00
executable_convert-to-gif [NUCLEAR OPTION] Move everything over to chezmoi 2020-01-27 15:42:11 +01:00
executable_drop [bin] Make drop compatible with latest NixOS ruby 2021-06-09 09:29:59 +02:00
executable_dropshot [nix] Extract path changes from bin/ 2021-03-10 23:29:48 +01:00
executable_em [emacs] Make em start stuff in a new frame 2021-04-23 12:59:00 +02:00
executable_epsonscan [NUCLEAR OPTION] Move everything over to chezmoi 2020-01-27 15:42:11 +01:00
executable_fix-ssh-socket [ssh] Fix b0rken redirected sockets and just use one per customer VM 2020-03-11 11:39:17 +01:00
executable_install-binreleases [bin] Bump Terraform to 0.15 2021-05-20 08:34:19 +02:00
executable_launcher-bookmarks [launcher] Move bookmark preview window to the top 2021-06-10 09:41:00 +02:00
executable_launcher-clipboard [launcher] Give launcher a quick makeover after a day of use. :D 2021-06-10 21:44:04 +02:00
executable_launcher-gopass [launcher] Add gopass launcher 2021-06-10 09:40:35 +02:00
executable_launcher-run [bin] Add my launchers 2021-03-15 16:06:03 +01:00
executable_mittach [NUCLEAR OPTION] Move everything over to chezmoi 2020-01-27 15:42:11 +01:00
executable_my-rofi [launcher] Give launcher a quick makeover after a day of use. :D 2021-06-10 21:44:04 +02:00
executable_org-get-current-clock-task [org] Fix display issue in org-current-task display 2021-06-15 20:37:12 +02:00
executable_org-update-clock-file [bin] Fix invocation of clock display 2021-06-04 13:17:27 +02:00
executable_rofi-clipboard [bin] Add new rofi clipboard manager 2021-05-20 08:34:38 +02:00
executable_rofi-marks [NUCLEAR OPTION] Move everything over to chezmoi 2020-01-27 15:42:11 +01:00
executable_screenshot [nix] Extract path changes from bin/ 2021-03-10 23:29:48 +01:00
executable_sway-run [nix] Extract path changes from bin/ 2021-03-10 23:29:48 +01:00
executable_tmux-statusline [NUCLEAR OPTION] Move everything over to chezmoi 2020-01-27 15:42:11 +01:00
executable_unreadmail [bin] Get rid of no-longer used i3 switches & ifs 2020-02-22 18:56:22 +01:00
executable_worklogger [nix] Extract path changes from bin/ 2021-03-10 23:29:48 +01:00
executable_xdg-open [ssh] add launcher to xdg 2021-06-09 09:29:09 +02:00
executable_yubikey-lock-screen [bin] Make yubikey-unplugger more user friendly (and Rubyesque) 2021-02-15 20:20:22 +01:00
executable_yubikey-plug-in [bin] Fix swaysocket of Yubikey unplug script 2021-01-26 12:23:45 +01:00
symlink_kubectx [bin] Fix kubectx sylinks 2020-03-05 15:34:03 +01:00
symlink_kubens [bin] Fix kubectx sylinks 2020-03-05 15:34:03 +01:00