Sebastian Schulze 50de1005d5
[emacs] Update spacemacs to latest master
2020-10-26 10:38:54 +01:00
img [NUCLEAR OPTION] Move everything over to chezmoi 2020-01-27 15:42:11 +01:00
local/rst-sphinx [spacemacs] Bump spacemacs to latest develop 2020-05-11 09:50:01 +02:00 [spacemacs] Bump spacemacs to latest develop 2020-05-11 09:50:01 +02:00
layers.el [emacs] Update spacemacs to latest master 2020-10-26 10:38:54 +01:00
packages.el [emacs] Update spacemacs to latest master 2020-10-26 10:38:54 +01:00

Sphinx layer



The layer adds support for the documentation generation system Sphinx to the restructuredtext layer.


  • Support for Sphinx project compilation
  • Support for opening Sphinx project target
  • Support for opening Sphinx config file


To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add sphinx to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.


Sphinx target

To use the layer's Sphinx feature, the following variables should be set.

A parent directory is needed for all your Sphinx project builds:

  (sphinx :variables
          rst-sphinx-target-parent "~/MyProjects/")

Create a directory in the parent directory for each Sphinx project. This will be used as the project name for the layer. In addition you need to define where the output folder should be for each project.

  (sphinx :variables
          rst-sphinx-target-parent "~/MyProjects/"
          '(("project1" . (latex "project1/_build"))
            ("project2" . (html  "project2/_build"))))

Web browser

Set the browser for viewing the HTML page of current rst file. This one is optional. If not set, the default browser will be used.

  (sphinx :variables
          rst-slides-program "chromium")

Key bindings

Key binding Description
SPC m c c compile projects
SPC m c C clean projects
SPC m c r rebuild projects
SPC m g c open of current project
SPC m o open compiled HTML page of current page