
101 lines
2.8 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bats
load ../helper
@test 'cd to dotfiles castle' {
castle 'dotfiles'
local dotfiles_dir=$HOMESICK/repos/dotfiles
local result
result=$($HOMESHICK_FN cd dotfiles && pwd)
[ "$dotfiles_dir" = "$result" ]
@test 'cd to dotfiles castle subdirectory' {
castle 'dotfiles'
local dotfiles_dir=$HOMESICK/repos/dotfiles/home/.config/foo.conf
local result
result=$($HOMESHICK_FN cd dotfiles/home/.config/foo.conf && pwd)
[ "$dotfiles_dir" = "$result" ]
@test 'cd to my_module castle' {
castle 'module-files'
$HOMESHICK_FN --batch clone "$REPO_FIXTURES/my_module"
local my_module_dir=$HOMESICK/repos/my_module
local result
result=$($HOMESHICK_FN cd my_module && pwd)
[ "$my_module_dir" = "$result" ]
@test 'cd to nonexistent castle' {
local current_dir=$PWD
local result
result=$($HOMESHICK_FN cd non_existent 2>/dev/null; pwd)
[ "$current_dir" = "$result" ]
@test "cd'ing to nonexistent castle exits with errcode 1" {
run "$HOMESHICK_FN" cd non_existent
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
@test 'cd to castle with spaces in its name' {
castle 'repo with spaces in name'
local spaces_repo_dir="$HOMESICK/repos/repo with spaces in name"
local result
result=$($HOMESHICK_FN cd repo\ with\ spaces\ in\ name && pwd)
[ "$spaces_repo_dir" = "$result" ]
@test 'cd to castle in sh' {
[ "$(type -t sh)" = "file" ] || skip "sh not installed"
castle 'dotfiles'
local dotfiles_dir=$HOMESICK/repos/dotfiles
cmd=". "$HOMESHICK_FN_SRC_SH" && $HOMESHICK_FN cd dotfiles && echo \$PWD"
local result
result=$( sh <<< "$cmd" 2>&1 )
[ "$dotfiles_dir" = "$result" ]
@test 'cd to castle in dash' {
[ "$(type -t dash)" = "file" ] || skip "dash not installed"
castle 'dotfiles'
local dotfiles_dir=$HOMESICK/repos/dotfiles
cmd=". "$HOMESHICK_FN_SRC_SH" && $HOMESHICK_FN cd dotfiles && echo \$PWD"
local result
result=$( dash <<< "$cmd" 2>&1 )
[ "$dotfiles_dir" = "$result" ]
@test 'cd to castle in csh' {
[ "$(type -t csh)" = "file" ] || skip "csh not installed"
$EXPECT_INSTALLED || skip 'expect not installed'
# in csh we can't alias a command and use that command on the same line
# % do_something; do_something_else
# is apparently different from
# % do_something
# % do_something_else
castle 'dotfiles'
local dotfiles_dir=$HOMESICK/repos/dotfiles
cat <<EOF | expect -f -
spawn csh
send "alias $HOMESHICK_FN source \"$HOMESHICK_FN_SRC_CSH\"\n"
send "$HOMESHICK_FN cd dotfiles\n"
send "pwd\n"
expect "*$dotfiles_dir*" {} default {exit 1}
send "exit\n"
expect EOF
@test 'cd to castle in fish' {
[ "$(type -t fish)" = "file" ] || skip "fish not installed"
castle 'dotfiles'
# fish $PWD has all symlinks resolved
local dotfiles_dir=$(cd "$HOMESICK/repos/dotfiles" && pwd -P)
cmd="source "$HOMESHICK_FN_SRC_FISH"; and $HOMESHICK_FN cd dotfiles; and pwd"
local result
result=$( fish <<< "$cmd" 2>&1 )
[ "$dotfiles_dir" = "$result" ]