config.load_autoconfig(False) c.content.user_stylesheets = ['/home/bascht/.local/share/user-content.css'] c.fonts.default_family = "JetBrains Mono" = "IBM Plex Sans" = "JetBrains Mono" c.url.default_page = "about:blank" c.url.start_pages = "about:blank" c.spellcheck.languages = ["de-DE", "en-GB"] c.editor.command = ["qutebrowser-edit", "{file}"] c.fonts.tabs.selected = '10pt default_family' c.fonts.tabs.unselected = '10pt default_family' c.tabs.padding = {"bottom": 3, "left": 5, "right": 5, "top": 3} c.scrolling.smooth = True c.tabs.title.format = "{audio}{index} {current_title}({host})" c.tabs.favicons.scale = 0.8 c.tabs.indicator.width = 2 c.session.lazy_restore = True c.url.searchengines = {"DEFAULT": "{}"} c.new_instance_open_target = "tab-bg" c.input.insert_mode.auto_load = True c.prompt.filebrowser = False c.completion.height = "40%" = '/home/bascht/Downloads/' c.qt.args = ['ignore-gpu-blocklist', 'untrusted-args', 'enable-zero-copy', 'enable-features=VaapiVideoEncoder,VaapiVideoDecoder,CanvasOopRasterization,RawDraw,WebGPU', 'use-gl=egl', 'enable-accelerated-video-decode', 'enable-gpu-rasterization', 'disable-gpu-driver-bug-workarounds'] #c.qt.args = ['untrusted-args','enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder'] c.content.webgl = False c.content.autoplay = False c.content.geolocation = False c.content.blocking.enabled = True c.content.blocking.method = "adblock" c.content.notifications.enabled = False c.content.webrtc_ip_handling_policy = "default-public-interface-only" c.hints.border = "1px solid #CCCCCC" c.hints.chars = "jklöuiopm" c.hints.min_chars = 1 config.unbind("") config.bind("", "tab-next") config.bind("", "tab-prev") config.bind(',grl', 'greasemonkey-reload') config.bind(',uu', 'spawn -u untrack-url -o {url}') config.bind(',uf', 'hint links spawn -u untrack-url -O {hint-url}') config.bind(',up', 'spawn -u untrack-url -p {clipboard}') config.bind(',e', 'jseval document.querySelector("button.btn-edit").click()') config.bind(',oc', 'spawn --userscript org-capture') config.bind(',r', 'spawn --userscript readability') config.bind(',dropr', 'spawn drop /home/bascht/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/readability.html') config.bind(',gtd', 'quickmark-load todo') config.bind(',gca', 'quickmark-load calendar') config.bind(',vu', 'spawn umpv {url}') config.bind(',vf', 'hint links spawn umpv {hint-url}') config.bind(',vF', 'hint --rapid links spawn umpv {hint-url}') config.bind(',mu', 'open http://localhost:6680/youtube?url={url}') config.bind(',mf', 'hint links open http://localhost:6680/youtube?url={hint-url}') config.bind(',su', 'spawn -u send-url') config.bind(',sp', 'spawn -u send-url baschtfon') config.bind(',aw', 'set content.webgl true') config.bind(',ac', 'set content.javascript.can_access_clipboard true') config.bind(',b', 'open{url}') config.bind(',y', 'open{url}') # GitLab quick-actions config.bind(',glc', ':scroll-to-perc 100;; jseval document.querySelector("textarea#note-body").focus()') config.bind(',glp0', ':scroll-to-perc 100;; jseval document.querySelector("textarea#note-body").focus() ;; insert-text /label ~priority::0') config.bind(',glp1', ':scroll-to-perc 100;; jseval document.querySelector("textarea#note-body").focus() ;; insert-text /label ~priority::1') config.bind(',glp2', ':scroll-to-perc 100;; jseval document.querySelector("textarea#note-body").focus() ;; insert-text /label ~priority::2') config.bind(',glp3', ':scroll-to-perc 100;; jseval document.querySelector("textarea#note-body").focus() ;; insert-text /label ~priority::3') config.bind('', 'spawn --userscript qute-pass --mode gopass --username-target secret --username-pattern "user: (.+)"') config.bind('', 'spawn --userscript qute-pass --mode gopass --username-target secret --username-pattern "user: (.+)" --username-only') config.bind('

', 'spawn --userscript qute-pass --mode gopass --username-target secret --username-pattern "user: (.+)" --password-only') config.bind('', 'spawn --userscript qute-pass --mode gopass --username-target secret --username-pattern "user: (.+)" --otp-only') config.bind('ygs', 'spawn get-gitlab-shortcode {url}') config.bind('ygm', 'spawn get-gitlab-shortcode-as-markdown {url}') # per Domain settings ## WebGL for domain in ['', "", "", ""]: config.set('content.webgl', True, domain) ## JS Clipboard Access for domain in ['', '']: config.set('content.javascript.can_access_clipboard', True, domain) # base16-qutebrowser ( # Base16 qutebrowser template by theova and Daniel Mulford # Flat scheme by Chris Kempson ( base00 = "#2C3E50" base01 = "#34495E" base02 = "#7F8C8D" base03 = "#95A5A6" base04 = "#BDC3C7" base05 = "#e0e0e0" base06 = "#f5f5f5" base07 = "#ECF0F1" base08 = "#E74C3C" base09 = "#E67E22" base0A = "#F1C40F" base0B = "#2ECC71" base0C = "#1ABC9C" base0D = "#3498DB" base0E = "#9B59B6" base0F = "#be643c" # set qutebrowser colors # Text color of the completion widget. May be a single color to use for # all columns or a list of three colors, one for each column. c.colors.completion.fg = base05 # Background color of the completion widget for odd rows. = base00 # Background color of the completion widget for even rows. = base00 # Foreground color of completion widget category headers. c.colors.completion.category.fg = base0D # Background color of the completion widget category headers. = base00 # Top border color of the completion widget category headers. = base00 # Bottom border color of the completion widget category headers. c.colors.completion.category.border.bottom = base00 # Foreground color of the selected completion item. c.colors.completion.item.selected.fg = base05 # Background color of the selected completion item. = base02 # Top border color of the selected completion item. = base02 # Bottom border color of the selected completion item. c.colors.completion.item.selected.border.bottom = base02 # Foreground color of the matched text in the selected completion item. c.colors.completion.item.selected.match.fg = base05 # Foreground color of the matched text in the completion. c.colors.completion.match.fg = base09 # Color of the scrollbar handle in the completion view. c.colors.completion.scrollbar.fg = base05 # Color of the scrollbar in the completion view. = base00 # Background color of disabled items in the context menu. = base01 # Foreground color of disabled items in the context menu. c.colors.contextmenu.disabled.fg = base04 # Background color of the context menu. If set to null, the Qt default is used. = base00 # Foreground color of the context menu. If set to null, the Qt default is used. = base05 # Background color of the context menu’s selected item. If set to null, the Qt default is used. = base02 #Foreground color of the context menu’s selected item. If set to null, the Qt default is used. c.colors.contextmenu.selected.fg = base05 # Background color for the download bar. = base00 # Color gradient start for download text. c.colors.downloads.start.fg = base00 # Color gradient start for download backgrounds. = base0D # Color gradient end for download text. c.colors.downloads.stop.fg = base00 # Color gradient stop for download backgrounds. = base0C # Foreground color for downloads with errors. c.colors.downloads.error.fg = base08 # Font color for hints. c.colors.hints.fg = base00 # Background color for hints. Note that you can use a `rgba(...)` value # for transparency. = base0A # Font color for the matched part of hints. c.colors.hints.match.fg = base05 # Text color for the keyhint widget. c.colors.keyhint.fg = base05 # Highlight color for keys to complete the current keychain. c.colors.keyhint.suffix.fg = base05 # Background color of the keyhint widget. = base00 # Foreground color of an error message. c.colors.messages.error.fg = base00 # Background color of an error message. = base08 # Border color of an error message. c.colors.messages.error.border = base08 # Foreground color of a warning message. c.colors.messages.warning.fg = base00 # Background color of a warning message. = base0E # Border color of a warning message. c.colors.messages.warning.border = base0E # Foreground color of an info message. = base05 # Background color of an info message. = base00 # Border color of an info message. = base00 # Foreground color for prompts. c.colors.prompts.fg = base05 # Border used around UI elements in prompts. c.colors.prompts.border = base00 # Background color for prompts. = base00 # Background color for the selected item in filename prompts. = base02 # Foreground color for the selected item in filename prompts. c.colors.prompts.selected.fg = base05 # Foreground color of the statusbar. c.colors.statusbar.normal.fg = base05 # Background color of the statusbar. = base00 # Foreground color of the statusbar in insert mode. c.colors.statusbar.insert.fg = base00 # Background color of the statusbar in insert mode. = base0C # Foreground color of the statusbar in passthrough mode. c.colors.statusbar.passthrough.fg = base0A # Background color of the statusbar in passthrough mode. = base00 # Foreground color of the statusbar in private browsing mode. c.colors.statusbar.private.fg = base0E # Background color of the statusbar in private browsing mode. = base00 # Foreground color of the statusbar in command mode. c.colors.statusbar.command.fg = base04 # Background color of the statusbar in command mode. = base01 # Foreground color of the statusbar in private browsing + command mode. c.colors.statusbar.command.private.fg = base0E # Background color of the statusbar in private browsing + command mode. = base01 # Foreground color of the statusbar in caret mode. c.colors.statusbar.caret.fg = base0D # Background color of the statusbar in caret mode. = base00 # Foreground color of the statusbar in caret mode with a selection. c.colors.statusbar.caret.selection.fg = base0D # Background color of the statusbar in caret mode with a selection. = base00 # Background color of the progress bar. = base0D # Default foreground color of the URL in the statusbar. c.colors.statusbar.url.fg = base05 # Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar on error. c.colors.statusbar.url.error.fg = base08 # Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar for hovered links. c.colors.statusbar.url.hover.fg = base09 # Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar on successful load # (http). c.colors.statusbar.url.success.http.fg = base0B # Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar on successful load # (https). c.colors.statusbar.url.success.https.fg = base0B # Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar when there's a warning. c.colors.statusbar.url.warn.fg = base0E # Background color of the tab bar. = base00 # Color gradient start for the tab indicator. c.colors.tabs.indicator.start = base0D # Color gradient end for the tab indicator. c.colors.tabs.indicator.stop = base0C # Color for the tab indicator on errors. c.colors.tabs.indicator.error = base08 # Foreground color of unselected odd tabs. c.colors.tabs.odd.fg = base05 # Background color of unselected odd tabs. = base00 # Foreground color of unselected even tabs. c.colors.tabs.even.fg = base05 # Background color of unselected even tabs. = "#2C1E20" # Background color of pinned unselected even tabs. = base0B # Foreground color of pinned unselected even tabs. c.colors.tabs.pinned.even.fg = base00 # Background color of pinned unselected odd tabs. = base0B # Foreground color of pinned unselected odd tabs. c.colors.tabs.pinned.odd.fg = base00 # Background color of pinned selected even tabs. = base02 # Foreground color of pinned selected even tabs. c.colors.tabs.pinned.selected.even.fg = base05 # Background color of pinned selected odd tabs. = base02 # Foreground color of pinned selected odd tabs. c.colors.tabs.pinned.selected.odd.fg = base05 # Foreground color of selected odd tabs. c.colors.tabs.selected.odd.fg = base05 # Background color of selected odd tabs. = base02 # Foreground color of selected even tabs. c.colors.tabs.selected.even.fg = base05 # Background color of selected even tabs. = base02 # Background color for webpages if unset (or empty to use the theme's # color). = base00 c.colors.completion.category.fg = base06 = base01 c.colors.completion.category.border.bottom = base02 = "#203040" = base01