;;; bascht --- all the required packages ;;; Commentary: ;;; "all-" being the proper prefix here. ;;; We *really* need them before anything else fires up. ;;; Code: (prelude-require-packages '(ace-jump-mode ace-window ag anzu cider clojure-mode coffee-mode company company-go company-restclient company-tern csv-mode dictcc dockerfile-mode doom-themes emmet-mode expand-region fish-mode flycheck flycheck-rust flymake flymake-go flymake-puppet flymake-jslint flymake-shell flymake-yaml gerrit-download git-commit git-gutter git-timemachine gitconfig-mode gitignore-mode gnuplot gnus-alias graphviz-dot-mode haml-mode helm-ag helm-dictionary helm-dash helm-flycheck helm-git helm-go-package helm-google helm-ls-svn helm-orgcard helm-projectile helm-rb helm-swoop helm-unicode indent-guide inf-ruby less-css-mode lua-mode magit-gerrit magit-gh-pulls markdown-mode material-theme moe-theme monokai-theme move-text multiple-cursors nginx-mode notmuch notmuch-labeler nyan-mode org org-beautify-theme org-bullets org-dashboard org-present org-projectile ox-ioslide ox-reveal paredit password-store php-mode puppet-mode rainbow-mode rainbow-delimiters restclient rspec-mode ruby-compilation ruby-dev ruby-test-mode ruby-tools rust-mode sass-mode scss-mode spacemacs-theme smartparens terraform-mode toml-mode tern tern-context-coloring undo-tree use-package vagrant vagrant-tramp visual-fill-column writeroom-mode yaml-mode yasnippet)) (provide 'all-the-packages) ;;; all-the-packages.el ends here