[spacemacs] Bump to latest .spacemacs (SPC f e D)

This commit is contained in:
Sebastian Schulze 2020-06-29 13:53:35 +02:00
parent 423b52d01a
commit 161128e6d3
Signed by: bascht
GPG Key ID: 5BCB1D3B4D38A35A
1 changed files with 70 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ This function should only modify configuration layer settings."
(spell-checking :variables spell-checking-enable-auto-dictionary t)
{{- if eq .chezmoi.hostname "kandalingo" }}
@ -79,7 +80,6 @@ This function should only modify configuration layer settings."
dotspacemacs-additional-packages '(
@ -139,9 +139,9 @@ It should only modify the values of Spacemacs settings."
;; portable dumper in the cache directory under dumps sub-directory.
;; To load it when starting Emacs add the parameter `--dump-file'
;; when invoking Emacs 27.1 executable on the command line, for instance:
;; ./emacs --dump-file=~/.emacs.d/.cache/dumps/spacemacs.pdmp
;; (default spacemacs.pdmp)
dotspacemacs-emacs-dumper-dump-file "spacemacs.pdmp"
;; ./emacs --dump-file=$HOME/.emacs.d/.cache/dumps/spacemacs-27.1.pdmp
;; (default spacemacs-27.1.pdmp)
dotspacemacs-emacs-dumper-dump-file (format "spacemacs-%s.pdmp" emacs-version)
;; If non-nil ELPA repositories are contacted via HTTPS whenever it's
;; possible. Set it to nil if you have no way to use HTTPS in your
@ -161,6 +161,13 @@ It should only modify the values of Spacemacs settings."
;; (default '(100000000 0.1))
dotspacemacs-gc-cons '(100000000 0.1)
;; Set `read-process-output-max' when startup finishes.
;; This defines how much data is read from a foreign process.
;; Setting this >= 1 MB should increase performance for lsp servers
;; in emacs 27.
;; (default (* 1024 1024))
dotspacemacs-read-process-output-max (* 1024 1024)
;; If non-nil then Spacelpa repository is the primary source to install
;; a locked version of packages. If nil then Spacemacs will install the
;; latest version of packages from MELPA. (default nil)
@ -189,6 +196,11 @@ It should only modify the values of Spacemacs settings."
;; (default 'vim)
dotspacemacs-editing-style 'hybrid
;; ./emacs --dump-file=~/.emacs.d/.cache/dumps/spacemacs.pdmp
;; (default spacemacs.pdmp)
dotspacemacs-emacs-dumper-dump-file "spacemacs.pdmp"
;; If non nil output loading progress in `*Messages*' buffer. (default nil)
dotspacemacs-verbose-loading nil
;; Specify the startup banner. Default value is `official', it displays
@ -221,6 +233,10 @@ It should only modify the values of Spacemacs settings."
;; Default major mode of the scratch buffer (default `text-mode')
dotspacemacs-scratch-mode 'org-mode
;; Initial message in the scratch buffer, such as "Welcome to Spacemacs!"
;; (default nil)
dotspacemacs-initial-scratch-message nil
;; List of themes, the first of the list is loaded when spacemacs starts.
;; Press `SPC T n' to cycle to the next theme in the list (works great
;; with 2 themes variants, one dark and one light)
@ -264,8 +280,10 @@ It should only modify the values of Spacemacs settings."
dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key ","
;; Major mode leader key accessible in `emacs state' and `insert state'.
;; (default "C-M-m")
dotspacemacs-major-mode-emacs-leader-key "C-M-m"
;; (default "C-M-m" for terminal mode, "<M-return>" for GUI mode).
;; Thus M-RET should work as leader key in both GUI and terminal modes.
;; C-M-m also should work in terminal mode, but not in GUI mode.
dotspacemacs-major-mode-emacs-leader-key (if window-system "<M-return>" "C-M-m")
;; These variables control whether separate commands are bound in the GUI to
;; the key pairs `C-i', `TAB' and `C-m', `RET'.
@ -330,10 +348,12 @@ It should only modify the values of Spacemacs settings."
;; may increase the boot time on some systems and emacs builds, set it to
;; nil to boost the loading time. (default t)
dotspacemacs-loading-progress-bar nil
;; If non nil the frame is fullscreen when Emacs starts up. (default nil)
;; If non-nil the frame is fullscreen when Emacs starts up. (default nil)
;; (Emacs 24.4+ only)
dotspacemacs-fullscreen-at-startup nil
;; If non nil `spacemacs/toggle-fullscreen' will not use native fullscreen.
;; If non-nil `spacemacs/toggle-fullscreen' will not use native fullscreen.
;; Use to disable fullscreen animations in OSX. (default nil)
dotspacemacs-fullscreen-use-non-native nil
@ -369,7 +389,8 @@ It should only modify the values of Spacemacs settings."
dotspacemacs-mode-line-unicode-symbols t
dotspacemacs-mode-line-theme '(doom)
;; If non nil smooth scrolling (native-scrolling) is enabled. Smooth
;; If non-nil smooth scrolling (native-scrolling) is enabled. Smooth
;; scrolling overrides the default behavior of Emacs which recenters point
;; when it reaches the top or bottom of the screen. (default t)
dotspacemacs-smooth-scrolling t
@ -411,7 +432,8 @@ It should only modify the values of Spacemacs settings."
;; `current', `all' or `nil'. Default is `all' (highlight any scope and
;; emphasis the current one). (default 'all)
dotspacemacs-highlight-delimiters 'all
;; If non nil, advise quit functions to keep server open when quitting.
;; If non-nil, advise quit functions to keep server open when quitting.
;; (default nil)
dotspacemacs-persistent-server nil
@ -449,17 +471,45 @@ It should only modify the values of Spacemacs settings."
;; delete only whitespace for changed lines or `nil' to disable cleanup.
;; (default nil)
dotspacemacs-whitespace-cleanup nil
;; If non nil activate `clean-aindent-mode' which tries to correct
;; virtual indentation of simple modes. This can interfer with mode specific
;; indent handling like has been reported for `go-mode'.
;; If it does deactivate it here.
;; (default t)
dotspacemacs-use-clean-aindent-mode t
;; Either nil or a number of seconds. If non-nil zone out after the specified
;; number of seconds. (default nil)
dotspacemacs-zone-out-when-idle nil
;; Run `spacemacs/prettify-org-buffer' when
;; visiting README.org files of Spacemacs.
;; (default nil)
dotspacemacs-pretty-docs nil))
(defun dotspacemacs/user-env ()
"Environment variables setup.
This function defines the environment variables for your Emacs session. By
default it calls `spacemacs/load-spacemacs-env' which loads the environment
variables declared in `~/.spacemacs.env' or `~/.spacemacs.d/.spacemacs.env'.
See the header of this file for more information."
(defun dotspacemacs/user-init ()
"Initialization function for user code.
It is called immediately after `dotspacemacs/init', before layer configuration
This function is mostly useful for variables that need to be set
before packages are loaded. If you are unsure, you should try in setting them in
`dotspacemacs/user-config' first."
"Initialization for user code:
This function is called immediately after `dotspacemacs/init', before layer
It is mostly for variables that should be set before packages are loaded.
If you are unsure, try setting them in `dotspacemacs/user-config' first."
(defun dotspacemacs/user-load ()
"Library to load while dumping.
This function is called only while dumping Spacemacs configuration. You can
`require' or `load' the libraries of your choice that will be included in the
(defun dotspacemacs/user-config ()
"Configuration function for user code.
@ -597,7 +647,7 @@ This function is called at the very end of Spacemacs initialization."
'(org-mu4e-convert-to-html t t)
(quelpa yankpad auto-org-md ox-pandoc syslog-mode yasnippet-snippets yapfify yaml-mode xterm-color ws-butler writeroom-mode winum which-key web-mode web-beautify vterm volatile-highlights vi-tilde-fringe uuidgen use-package unfill treemacs-projectile treemacs-persp treemacs-magit treemacs-evil toml-mode toc-org terminal-here tagedit systemd symon symbol-overlay string-inflection sql-indent spaceline-all-the-icons smeargle slim-mode shell-pop selectric-mode seeing-is-believing scss-mode sass-mode rvm ruby-tools ruby-test-mode ruby-refactor ruby-hash-syntax rubocopfmt rubocop rspec-mode robe restclient-helm restart-emacs rbenv rake rainbow-delimiters racer pytest pyenv-mode py-isort puppet-mode pug-mode prettier-js popwin pippel pipenv pip-requirements phpunit phpcbf php-extras php-auto-yasnippets password-generator paradox overseer origami orgit org-projectile org-present org-pomodoro org-mru-clock org-mime org-journal org-download org-cliplink org-bullets org-brain open-junk-file ob-restclient ob-http nodejs-repl nginx-mode nameless mwim multi-term mu4e-maildirs-extension mu4e-alert move-text mmm-mode minitest markdown-toc magit-todos magit-svn magit-section magit-gitflow macrostep lorem-ipsum logstash-conf livid-mode live-py-mode link-hint json-navigator js2-refactor js-doc jinja2-mode insert-shebang indent-guide importmagic impatient-mode ialign hybrid-mode hungry-delete hledger-mode highlight-parentheses highlight-numbers highlight-indentation helm-xref helm-themes helm-swoop helm-pydoc helm-purpose helm-projectile helm-org-rifle helm-org helm-mu helm-mode-manager helm-make helm-ls-git helm-gitignore helm-git-grep helm-flx helm-descbinds helm-css-scss helm-company helm-c-yasnippet helm-ag google-translate golden-ratio godoctor go-tag go-rename go-impl go-guru go-gen-test go-fill-struct go-eldoc gnuplot gitignore-templates gitconfig-mode gitattributes-mode git-timemachine git-messenger git-link git-gutter-fringe+ gh-md geben fuzzy font-lock+ flyspell-correct-helm flymake-shellcheck flycheck-yamllint flycheck-rust flycheck-pos-tip flycheck-plantuml flycheck-package flycheck-ledger flycheck-elsa flycheck-bashate flx-ido fish-mode fill-column-indicator fancy-battery eyebrowse expand-region evil-visualstar evil-visual-mark-mode evil-unimpaired evil-tutor evil-textobj-line evil-surround evil-org evil-numbers evil-nerd-commenter evil-matchit evil-magit evil-lisp-state evil-lion evil-ledger evil-indent-plus evil-iedit-state evil-goggles evil-exchange evil-escape evil-ediff evil-cleverparens evil-args evil-anzu eval-sexp-fu eshell-z eshell-prompt-extras esh-help emmet-mode elisp-slime-nav editorconfig dumb-jump drupal-mode dotenv-mode doom-themes doom-modeline dockerfile-mode docker diminish dictcc devdocs define-word cython-mode csv-mode company-web company-terraform company-tern company-statistics company-shell company-restclient company-phpactor company-php company-go company-ansible company-anaconda column-enforce-mode clean-aindent-mode chruby centered-cursor-mode cargo bundler browse-at-remote blacken beginend backline auto-yasnippet auto-highlight-symbol auto-dictionary auto-compile ansible-doc ansible aggressive-indent ace-link ace-jump-helm-line ac-ispell)))
(quelpa yankpad auto-org-md ox-pandoc syslog-mode yasnippet-snippets yapfify yaml-mode xterm-color ws-butler writeroom-mode winum which-key web-mode web-beautify vterm volatile-highlights vi-tilde-fringe uuidgen use-package unfill treemacs-projectile treemacs-persp treemacs-magit treemacs-evil toml-mode toc-org terminal-here tagedit systemd symon symbol-overlay string-inflection sql-indent spaceline-all-the-icons smeargle slim-mode shell-pop selectric-mode seeing-is-believing scss-mode sass-mode rvm ruby-tools ruby-test-mode ruby-refactor ruby-hash-syntax rubocopfmt rubocop rspec-mode robe restclient-helm restart-emacs rbenv rake rainbow-delimiters racer pytest pyenv-mode py-isort puppet-mode pug-mode prettier-js popwin pippel pipenv pip-requirements phpunit phpcbf php-extras php-auto-yasnippets password-generator paradox overseer origami orgit org-projectile org-present org-pomodoro org-mru-clock org-mime org-journal org-download org-cliplink org-bullets org-brain open-junk-file ob-restclient ob-http nodejs-repl nginx-mode nameless mwim multi-term mu4e-maildirs-extension mu4e-alert move-text mmm-mode minitest markdown-toc magit-todos magit-svn magit-section magit-gitflow macrostep lorem-ipsum logstash-conf livid-mode live-py-mode link-hint json-navigator js2-refactor js-doc jinja2-mode insert-shebang indent-guide importmagic impatient-mode ialign hybrid-mode hungry-delete hledger-mode highlight-parentheses highlight-numbers highlight-indentation helm-xref helm-themes helm-swoop helm-pydoc helm-purpose helm-projectile helm-org-rifle helm-org helm-mu helm-mode-manager helm-make helm-ls-git helm-gitignore helm-git-grep helm-flx helm-descbinds helm-css-scss helm-company helm-c-yasnippet helm-ag google-translate golden-ratio godoctor go-tag go-rename go-impl go-guru go-gen-test go-fill-struct go-eldoc gnuplot gitignore-templates gitconfig-mode gitattributes-mode git-timemachine git-messenger git-link git-gutter-fringe+ gh-md geben fuzzy font-lock+ flyspell-correct-helm flymake-shellcheck flycheck-yamllint flycheck-rust flycheck-pos-tip flycheck-plantuml flycheck-package flycheck-ledger flycheck-elsa flycheck-bashate flx-ido fish-mode fill-column-indicator fancy-battery eyebrowse expand-region evil-visualstar evil-visual-mark-mode evil-unimpaired evil-tutor evil-textobj-line evil-surround evil-org evil-numbers evil-nerd-commenter evil-matchit evil-magit evil-lisp-state evil-lion evil-ledger evil-indent-plus evil-iedit-state evil-goggles evil-exchange evil-escape evil-ediff evil-cleverparens evil-args evil-anzu eval-sexp-fu eshell-z eshell-prompt-extras esh-help emmet-mode elisp-slime-nav editorconfig dumb-jump drupal-mode dotenv-mode doom-themes doom-modeline dockerfile-mode docker diminish dictcc devdocs define-word cython-mode csv-mode company-web company-terraform company-statistics company-shell company-restclient company-phpactor company-php company-go company-ansible company-anaconda column-enforce-mode clean-aindent-mode chruby centered-cursor-mode cargo bundler browse-at-remote blacken beginend backline auto-yasnippet auto-highlight-symbol auto-dictionary auto-compile ansible-doc ansible aggressive-indent ace-link ace-jump-helm-line ac-ispell)))
'(tramp-default-method "ssh")
'(tramp-use-ssh-controlmaster-options nil))